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Yannis Georgellis

Yannis Georgellis

Professor - Global MBA and Masters in Global Business

LinkedIn Profile


  • PhD in Economics, West Virginia University, USA (1990)
  • MSc in Economics, AUEB - Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece (1986)
  • BSc in Economics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (1984)


Professor Georgellis joined SP Jain London School of Management from Kent Business School, where he served as Deputy Dean for Research and Enterprise. Professor Georgellis is an experienced educator and leader celebrated for his work on happiness, adaptation, and employee well-being. His publications cover areas of human resource management, organizational behavior, applied psychology and behavioral economics and have attracted several thousand citations in Google Scholar. He is also a top 5% author in the REPEC worldwide citation rankings. Yannis is a Distinguished Associate of the International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES).

Subjects Taught/Student Project Mentor

  • Leadership
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Methods

Areas Of Expertise

  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Leadership
  • Behavioral Economics


  • PhD in Economics, West Virginia University, USA (1990)
  • MSc in Economics, AUEB - Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece (1986)
  • BSc in Economics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (1984)


Academic Experience

  • Professor of Management, Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK (2018- April 2023)
  • Deputy Dean – Research & Enterprise, Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK (2014-2018)
  • Research Professor of HR & OB, Director of CRESS-Centre for Research in Employment Skills and Society, Kingston University, UK (2011-2014)
  • Department Chair - HRM, Bournemouth University, UK (2010-2011)
  • Department Chair - Economics and Finance, Brunel University, UK (2009-2010)
  • Associate Professor, Brunel University, UK (1996-2009)
  • Visiting Professor, NYU-London, UK (2007-2020)
  • Professorial Research Fellow, Australian Catholic University, Australia (2015-2017)
  • Visiting Professor, City University, UK (2001-2009)
  • Visiting Research Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, USA (1999, 2002)
  • Online Tutor, University of London Distance Learning Program, UK (1994-2010)

Consulting Experience

  • GE Energy, AMEY Plc, Telefonica

Research Interests

  • Employee happiness and well-being
  • Employee engagement
  • Self-employment, entrepreneurship
  • Social comparisons
  • Employee training
  • Employee motivation
  • Psychological adaptation
  • Unemployment

Selected Publications

  • Saridakis, G.Georgellis, Y.Benson, V.Garcia, S.Johnstone, S. and Lai, Y. (2023), "Guest editorial: Work from home (WFH), employee productivity and wellbeing: lessons from COVID-19 and future implications", Information Technology & People, 36(5), 1757-1765. [ABDC A]
  • Litsardopoulos, N., Saridakis, G., Georgellis, Y., & Hand, C. (2023). Self-employment experience effects on well-being: A longitudinal study. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 44(2), 454-480 [ABDC A]
  • Georgellis, Y., Clark, A., Apergis. E., & Robinson, C. (2022). Occupational status and life satisfaction in the UK: The miserable middle? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 204, 509-527. [ABDC A*]
  • Saridakis, G., Georgellis, Y., Muñoz Torres, R., Mohammed, A-M., & Blackburn, R.   (2021). From subsistence farming to agribusiness and nonfarm entrepreneurship: Does it improve economic conditions and well-being in Uganda? Journal of Business Research, 136, 567-579. [ABDC A]
  • Georgellis, Y., Garcia, S. M., Gregoriou, A., & Ozbilgin, M. (2019). Pay referents and satisfaction with pay: Does occupational proximity matter? British Journal of Management30(3), 578-592. [ABDC A]
  • Apergis, N., & Georgellis, Y. (2018). Regional unemployment and employee loyalty: evidence from 12 UK regions. Regional Studies52(9), 1283-1293. [ABDC A*]
  • Georgellis, Y., & Yusuf, A. (2016). Is becoming self‐employed a panacea for job satisfaction? Longitudinal evidence from work to self‐employment transitions. Journal of Small Business Management54, 53-76. [ABDC A]
  • Tabvuma, V., Georgellis, Y., & Lange, T. (2015). Orientation training and job satisfaction: A sector and gender analysis. Human Resource Management54(2), 303-321. [ABDC A*]
  • Clark, A. E., & Georgellis, Y. (2013). Back to baseline in Britain: adaptation in the British household panel survey. Economica80(319), 496-512. [ABDC A]
  • Georgellis, Y., Lange, T., & Tabvuma, V. (2012). The impact of life events on job satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(2), 464-473.[ABDC A*]
  • Georgellis, Y., & Lange, T. (2012). Traditional versus secular values and the job–life satisfaction relationship across EuropeBritish Journal of Management, 23(4), 437-454.[ABDC A]
  • Georgellis, Y., Iossa, E., & Tabvuma, V. (2011). Crowding out intrinsic motivation in the public sector. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory21(3), 473-493. [ABDC A]
  • Georgellis, Y., Gregoriou, A., & Tsitsianis, N. (2008). Adaptation towards reference values: A non-linear perspective. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 67(3-4), 768-781. [ABDC A*]
  • Georgellis, Y., & Tabvuma, V. (2010). Does public service motivation adapt? Kyklos63(2), 176-191. [ABDC A]
  • Clark, A. E., Diener, E., Georgellis, Y., & Lucas, R. E. (2008). Lags and leads in life satisfaction: A test of the baseline hypothesis. The Economic Journal118(529), F222-F243. [ABDC A*]
  • Georgellis, Y., & Lange, T. (2007). Participation in continuous, on-the-job training and the impact on job satisfaction: longitudinal evidence from the German labour market. The International Journal of Human Resource Management18(6), 969-985. [ABDC A]
  • Lucas, R. E., Clark, A. E., Georgellis, Y., & Diener, E. (2003). Reexamining adaptation and the set point model of happiness: reactions to changes in marital status. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology84(3), 527-39. [ABDC A*]
  • Lucas, R. E., Clark, A. E., Georgellis, Y., & Diener, E. (2004). Unemployment alters the set point for life satisfaction. Psychological Science15(1), 8-13. [ABDC A*]
  • Clark, A., Georgellis, Y., & Sanfey, P. (2001). Scarring: The psychological impact of past unemployment. Economica68(270), 221-241. [ABDC A]

Selected Conference Presentations

  • Institute of Directors, London, UK (2021) “Doing business during the pandemic.
  • British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference, Bristol, UK (2018) “Work-related stress among the self-employed: A comparison with employees.”
  • Business Soundbites Series, Kent Business School-Maidstone City Council, Kent, UK (2017) “Happiness in the workplace: Putting people first”.
  • Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (2017) “The occupational prestige -life satisfaction nexus in Britain. Evidence for a curvilinear relationship".
  • Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA (2016) “Does religion buffer the negative psychological impact of unemployment?"
  • Kreston Reeves-UKC Human Resource Conference- Fit for the future, Kent, UK (2015) “Employee happiness and human flourishing frontiers”.
  • Australian Catholic University, Sydney Australia (2015) “Sustainable HRM and Employee Well-being -An International Research Symposium” (Keynote Speaker).
  • Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada (2015) “Regional unemployment and employee commitment"
  • OECD-Humanistic Management Network Conference, OECD Paris (2014) Well-being as business purpose”­, (Keynote Speaker).
  • Government Knowledge Briefing, London (2014) Employee engagement - Driving productivity and performance
  • Ninth Organizational Studies Workshop (EGOS), Corfu, Greece (2014) “The dark side of happiness:  Do happy employees resist organizational change?
  • German Business Federation Sponsored Seminar on youth unemployment in Europe – Generation jobless? London School of Economics (2014) “Psychological consequences of a lack of employment and life perspectives for young adults".
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), London (2013) “Making happiness at work, work. How can businesses nourish the happiness and wellbeing of their employees?
  • CRESS-Humanistic Management Center Happiness and wellbeing at work: Bridging the Gap between Academia, Policy and Practice, (Conference Organiser), London (2013).
  • CRESS-CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Skills) “Skills mismatch and firm dynamics: Integrating skills with the world of work”, (Conference Organiser), London (2012).
  • International Atlantic Economic Association (IAES) Annual Conference, Athens, Greece (2011) Robert A. Mundell Distinguished Address: “Happiness research: A challenge or an opportunity for the economics profession?” (Keynote Speaker).

Awards & Recognition

Media Appearances & Coverage

  • SDP Mexico, 1 March 2021, “Divorce a pathway to restoring happiness”.
  • ABC Net Australia 12 November 2017, “How divorce can spark self-discovery and happiness for women”.
  • Businessweek 5 September 2013, “Divorce's rise in emerging economies helps women get ahead.”
  • Daily Mail 13 July 2013, “Women cope with divorce better than men even though they suffer more financially”.
  • Toronto Star 12 July 2013, “Women happier than men after divorce, study finds”.
  • HR Magazine 23 May 2012, “Engagement surveys can mask the true nature of staff motivation, according to the CIPD and Kingston Business School”.
  • Daily Mail 6 December 2011, “Unhappy at home? You're deluding yourself if you think work will make up for it”.
  • The Telegraph 5 December 2011, “Working hard doesn't make up for an unhappy home life”.
  • Huffington Post 7 Dec 2011, “You actually can’t use work to hide from your life”.
  • Daily Mail 15 July 2008, “Losing your job can be more traumatic than a spouse dying, experts say”.
  • BBC Radio 5 Live 14 July 2008, Interview on Happiness.
  • BBC News 13 July 2008, “Happiness immune to life events”.