Blogs | SP Jain London School of Management

My Experience at SP Jain – Pamadou Joof

Written by SP Jain News Desk | Jun 11, 2024 10:08:02 AM

Joining this school ranks as one of the best decisions I've ever made. I had attended another university in London before joining SP Jain, and the difference in structure, support, and academic offerings is night and day. Let me tell you why.

From the moment I came across SP Jain, the school presented a unique opportunity to experience a flagship global learning programme. The phrase that captured my attention on their website was, "If business has gone global, so should business education." It stuck with me. Having studied for two years at another university, I ultimately lost motivation during COVID for various reasons. After a two-year period of working, I felt stagnant and capped professionally. I began to wonder how I was going to stand out in an ultra-competitive job market that had evolved into something multidimensional. Businesses were after people who could show evidence of initiative and adaptability.

After looking through various degree programmes, none matched my ambitions; they were all standard UK programmes. Once upon a time, good grades and some extracurricular activities were enough to secure a starting job. But today, in an increasingly globalised world where businesses operate beyond their borders with ease, a new set of skills and experiences is valued. That's where SP Jain came in. After sifting through their programme offerings, it became clear to me this was a degree programme like no other! This was a school breaking boundaries and setting a new standard for education.

With campuses in renowned cities including Dubai, Sydney, and Singapore, featuring many of the world's largest multinational companies, as well as a London campus situated in the most well-connected part of the city, my excitement was tangible. I was promised an unparalleled learning experience, and boy, have they delivered! Since joining, I've been met with world-class teachers coming from acclaimed universities like Oxford, NYU, and UCL, blended with teachers hailing from Dubai and Singapore to really capture that global feel. Class discussions are founded on the Socratic principle of questioning, fostering an open environment designed to prompt our critical thinking and debate skills. All classes I've attended have been ripe with fresh perspectives from various cultures.

During our time in Singapore, we met people from literally all over the world: classmates from the Philippines, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Vietnam, Dubai—the list goes on, but it doesn't do justice to the character and kindness of the people. Our experience in Singapore made me more culturally aware while giving me a more global network of students and professionals. We met at events hosted by companies such as Google, which, like many other corporations, have a strong presence in Singapore.

The biggest selling point of this programme is the chance for accelerated personal growth. Spending time in another country with the cohort I travelled with not only allowed us to bond but also helped us grow together, using the time to work on ourselves personally and professionally. I made many new friends, but the most beneficial time was spent with myself. I truly enjoyed and embraced the glitz and glamour of Singapore, but that was only half the story. If used correctly, this is the best time to refine yourself. Habits, network, and knowledge were my priorities. I slowly became self-sufficient, but with tremendous support from the school—financially, academically, and emotionally. With regular check-ins with the London campus via Zoom while we were overseas, at no point did we feel alone.

As I reflect on my decision to join this school, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable experiences and opportunities it has afforded me. From the global perspective to the supportive community, there's no doubt every aspect has contributed to my personal and professional growth in ways I never imagined possible. I walked away from one semester with more than I'd gained in years prior: a new worldview, a stronger network, and friends I believe I'll know for life. I cannot wait to experience Dubai with them.

To those considering SP Jain, I encourage you to embrace this opportunity for growth and discovery. A new journey awaits you, and I can assure you it will be nothing short of extraordinary.